The Balance of Family, Ambition, and Societal Challenges

Tim Fisher & Jordan Jemiola Season 2 Episode 172

We are back! It’s our first episode of Season 2. We talk about the complexities of balancing parenting, personal growth, and the richness of the 'now.' We unwrap the layers of these experiences in our latest season, speaking candidly about fatherhood's lessons, commemorating life's milestones like engagements within our crew, and the sweet spot of aligning our podcast format with the rhythm of our evolving lives.

Season Two unfurls a tapestry of heartfelt dialogues, from the power of presence with family to the taxing demands of careers that can too often overshadow our personal identities. We share stories and the intense pressures faced by first responders and the quest for a balance between professional ambition and spiritual nourishment. Through our reflections, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the intricacies of life's journey, inviting our community to ponder alongside us the delicate balance required to cherish the present while also preparing for the future.

In this series of conversations, we also navigate the sociopolitical landscape and scrutinize California's current climate. Our commitment shines through as we discuss our First Responders Night of Hope event,  and the transformative power of community storytelling. Join us as we step into these honest spaces, seeking to inspire, connect, and offer a beacon of hope to our listeners through the shared language of our lived experiences.

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Speaker 2:

Welcome back to season two of let's Go podcast.

Speaker 1:

You have myself, tim Fisher and I'm Jordan Jimiola, season two Welcome back.

Speaker 2:

We're back, dude. We ended season one in December, which was great. We took a month off, like we traditionally do. We take January off, and now we've changed to more of a seasonal format. So this is the start of season two. We're going to do about eight to 10 episodes, take maybe a month or two off in the back and do another season. So this way it's just kind of more easy. I don't want to say easier on us, but we're all starting to grow our families and we need to start making sure that's a priority. So, speaking of which, congratulations on the addition. We don't need to say any names, it's up to you.

Speaker 1:

It's okay. Yeah, thank you so much. Thanks for the great talk. Lots happened. We had our third baby and there's been all the stuff that goes with that. It's been super awesome. I was actually chatting with Tim a little bit before. Our life is. It's just busier.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure man.

Speaker 1:

And it's like every step, every kid. It's been like these big changes, you know, and I remember someone telling me like once you have two, the next it's all easy.

Speaker 2:

Is that true? They're saying, three is easy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and after two is supposedly easier, and I think they're full of shit and I want to say that on camera and I say that the nicest way possible. Like I said not that it's a bad thing, it's just busier. So is it when I think of that statement as it being like oh, it's easier. I'd be like I wouldn't say easier, it's just more of stuff. But at the end of the day, it's super red and we're so blessed and I'm so happy.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you this man it's from my perspective of being you know you're gosh. I'm gonna say, yeah, you're definitely. You know my sister's my best friend and so somebody else over here. What's up, but you're one of my best friends. It's really great to, like we talked about earlier. It's so cool to see you become a father the first time, the second and now third, and getting married to Christine. I still remember when we went surfing and you said, hey, I'm going to go on this date with this girl tonight in San Diego Like I don't know if I should or not. I said I'm like, dude, go have fun. Now you're married, yeah it's so cool.

Speaker 1:

It is, it's rad, it's crazy to reflect on it and like, and I feel like we've we've been pretty busy since you know we've gotten together, so you know, but I love it and I think that you know if Christine hears this, she's going to be like he's full of shit, and the reason why I'm saying that is oh yeah, probably this one for sure.

Speaker 1:

No, but the reason what I'm saying is that it's like every day is a learning moment and you know the things that I thought that I had ironed out. You know, you're kind of like, sometimes you get challenged with that and like, for me, I was telling you earlier, dude, it's patience, you know, and not saying that as like, oh, I wish I had more. No, I do, I wish I had more patience with a lot of things, and I think that especially like with the managing of the kids and all that kind of stuff where I end up being like oh, but I'm thinking like, dude, they're little, this is a moment.

Speaker 1:

you know it's like and you said this earlier too it's like you're living in this small moment in time and, yeah, it's, you know, busy and sometimes frantic and whatnot, but it's like the things that you'll remember forever.

Speaker 1:

You know it's like how many times we have conversations on here, we're reflecting these like funny instances of childhood, you know, and it's like I do have to remind myself of that because it's like those are the things that I would talk about, like these momentous occasions and things that happen where they're funny or crazy whatever, when I was a kid. It's like now I'm living in the parent perspective of that right now and it's pretty rad and you know, and it's like, yeah, obviously I will get better at having more patience, you know, but you get tested all the time, you know. So, yeah, man.

Speaker 2:

It's rad, it's, it's encouraging. You know, I want to start a family one of these days. I can't wait to be a father I've always wanted to be one. But to see how we you know, we've known each other for so long. We started our careers together, surfing as young guys, having good times, going on snowboard trips, and now it's like we're in it. We're reaching this different season in life where we're all starting families. And you know, congratulations to Sam and his lady. Sam, our camera operator. He got engaged. Woo, Like hello, what's up. We are so happy and excited for him. And then also, excuse me, Evan, Evan Nelson, he got, he got engaged as well. He's our contributor on the monthly.

Speaker 1:

He's the jacked white dude that's up on here with the Thor haircut. Yeah, monthly reviews.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why I'm blanking out. Yeah, monthly reviews. He's super jacked. He was my trainer a long time ago. Yeah, yeah, and I guess I guess evolving but getting better and moving through life and seeing everyone happy yeah, that's the biggest thing that I love to see is when my friends and my family succeed and they're happy. I'm happy. You know, it's not about the monetary things, it's just making sure your people are taken care of. Yeah, you know, that's me and, by the way, so everybody sees this.

Speaker 2:

Are you going to address it? Yeah, I'm going to address the finger in the room. Right now I have a brace on and yes, it's on my middle finger. This happened surfing on a very fun day. It's probably eight feet. I don't surf with a leash and I ride a longboard and I was doing my bottom turn on a nice eight foot wave and I was going to wipe out. So, as I traditionally do, I'm going to wipe out. I sacrifice my body for the board. Well, as I was going down to jump on the board, like all the weight, somehow my middle excuse me, middle finger got caught first and all the weight of going down went into that and it felt slow motion and it just I could feel the pain growing.

Speaker 2:

And then my face hit the board. Oh dude, it was such a mess. My feet it was almost like I scorpion, yeah. And then of course I got turned up, so that's why I have this brace. It's kind of we're trying to do this show and I'm trying to drink here. It's not working, it is what it is.

Speaker 1:

Hey, you just got to roll with it. It's all good, and to your credit, though, I will say getting injured surfing it's one of the shittiest spots to get hurt.

Speaker 1:

Like as far as sports go right. You have to go down on a field. You've hurt something. It's like you're at least like on your feet, like well, I'd imagine like injuring yourself like skydiving is probably pretty gnarly, but like being in the water and you have an injury take place, you really have that like secondary, like oh shit, can I swim Right? You know what I mean. Like that vibe going on, you know. So it's kind of it's funny. Because it's not funny, it sucks. I'm sorry about your finger.

Speaker 1:

I hope it heals up good. It's like I tore something in my shoulder surfing one time and I like it wasn't a crazy big day, but it was like maybe had high or whatever, and something happened where, like all I did was dig my arm in the water and I felt something tear in my shoulder Like as I took off. You know, I was trying to like slow up a little bit so you could feel the tear happening at the time, yeah.

Speaker 1:

It was like my arm was in the water and just like Jordan you know, no, no, no, no, no but what was funny is that somehow the board still hit me in the face because it was, like you know, felt. The tear pitched, hit me in the face and as I'm coming down it's like you get whacked in the chin. And there was the one where it's like you kind of bite your tongue. I don't think I've ever, I don't think I've ever fallen surfing and not hit my head on the board. Yeah, it's.

Speaker 2:

I'm laughing. I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing. It's okay, I'm good because that's happening to me, where you're like kind of falling and you think you're like in control and it's just smack, but you're like whoa and it's, it's very startling, it's firm yeah.

Speaker 1:

It's not like a like, a like a ricochet slap ever. It's more like the thud and you're like I feel, like you feel it in your head, then your neck.

Speaker 2:

And the first thing, you know, the first thing I think of when that happens is did somebody see that? That's true. Now I'm always like, oh, I don't want to look stupid in the water right now.

Speaker 1:

That is the first I feel like most people surfing like unless you like. Well, maybe even the pros probably think of it that way. But like you're you kind of like your first thought, like if you like, especially if you ate it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah, absolutely. Oh yeah. Well over. So over New Year's, after we did our last episode for season one, which was, I think, officially 171 episodes, ring the bell. Let's go, people. So that's amazing. That is amazing. Thank you. Thank you to the team, sam, to everybody who's contributing, everyone listening. We were downloaded officially in 56 countries and we were the top 25% of all podcasts. That is crazy.

Speaker 1:

What do? You think the most obscure country is we have to look.

Speaker 2:

I have to look on the data charts that are oh okay, and I don't know all of them. No there's some. I look because I hit countries, yeah, and it'll tell. My first thought is you know how in the world did you find out about us?

Speaker 1:

I think this is like when you see the downloads from like India, you're like someone I'm assuming like this isn't, this isn't, uh, we don't like put anything out there that I don't think it could be translated, right, so it's like you have to know English to listen to it, right, right. So it's like to me, I'm like God, dude, someone's so like what were you searching? How far did you go down? Or what were you looking for? Right, you know what I mean? I mean because there's multiple, not just like a one off. You know download from these areas and you're thinking you're like dude, we made it to India. That's sick. Oh hey, maybe one day we'll do a podcast out there.

Speaker 2:

What about that? They have to know. They have to know English or maybe they're talking shit.

Speaker 1:

No, here's what I thought.

Speaker 2:

It made me laugh a lot was maybe they're learning English or they know English and they think that we are. We know what's up Like. These are real Americans. You got to listen to them and you know my first thought was like you got the wrong people man, I don't know, maybe I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I feel like there's a lot of common sense to me and thrown around on this show. But, that is funny. Like to take this like because I know I see what you're saying you know what I mean. It's like it's there, like, oh, maybe like someone way out there is listening, thinking like this is the most current updates and like exactly what's going on. I never thought of it that way. That's why I feel like there's a little more pressure, I guess A little bit.

Speaker 2:

So when I saw it we were downloading 56 countries, I was kind of shocked a little bit and it was kind of encouraging too. I was like, oh, wow, like. So what we're doing is working, people are listening. This is, I mean. You can see the downloads. They've always gone up. But to see the different countries and to see like we're you know, hey, you're top 25% of all podcasts, was it was cool. That encouraged me. At the end of the year I was like, okay, I'm, I'm, I'm liking what we're doing. And then also to get the messages from people asking, hey, when are you coming back? Miss you guys. Stuff on, you know social media.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's pretty cool yeah.

Speaker 2:

Kind of realize, oh, people are listening and they like, like what's happening. So I'll have to say good job, bro. Hey, you too, man you know what I'm saying, man. Remember when we started on a plastic table.

Speaker 1:

I do remember. I remember the first episode very well actually.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we were a little we were a little messed up, a little loose it was it was fun though.

Speaker 1:

I mean, and that was a lot of fun. But that was the point of it. It was just to see it was a trial.

Speaker 2:

Well it goes back to what you said with your children oh, careful, sorry, I got excited. Yeah, no, it goes back to like what you said with your kids. It's almost like you don't realize you're living in the good old days and in great moments, until your years pass and you realize, oh, wow, that was a moment, those were the good old days. That was cool, cause you look back and, honestly, those times when we first started out to me are precious Because you know it was. We didn't know what we were doing, we had no clue what's going on, but even with your kids now, yeah, you know, even thinking back on it and how it could be stressful, frustrating. You know all these responsibilities but like we talked about earlier, before we started the podcast, I remember I told you like hey, dude, this you haven't talked about it, but it's just like hey, this is a lot.

Speaker 2:

And the cool thing is like that's your family and these moments are only happening once they're only kids, once she's only the newborn, is only a little baby. Once you know. And then once that's over, it's over, dude. Yeah, and that's something that has hit a few people I know that are like older. Even my dad, he's like man. You know, don't realize how fast this will go. You guys are adults. Yeah, dad, I'm about to be freaking 40 years old, two years.

Speaker 1:

It's crazy, it is nuts and, like you know, you just think, yeah, god, I was trying to. There was a, it was in the show, the office, but I was saying a saying along the lines of like I wish you could know it's the good old days while you're going through them, versus like years down the road. And I think that just comes down to like what I was saying earlier. It's just like like enjoying the moment that you're in, you know, and I think that it is important and there's a lot of them and that's what's cool about it, you know, and, yeah, you know, just excited to be in the situation and moving Right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, being in the moment and looking forward to like the few, because, like I you know, I don't know I like foresight a lot, I think yeah, you're a planner. A little bit, you know, maybe not as much on paper, but always mentally yeah you and I both dude. Yeah, but you know, and it's cool man, it's like a fun situation to be in and, and you know, getting to experience it because we are fortunate, you know, and and it's super rad man, I'm pretty stoked on it, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I've tried to. I want to say Sam twos here. I think over the past year I've kind of been working on that consciously, about being more present and spending more time at home. I'm like you, jordan, I, my dad, the way I was kind of grew up, or the way I grew up and was taught always be a planner, always have a plan A, b and C. You got to think the future. You know your nest egg. You got to save here and you want to buy property, because you know property, where is where the money's at and it's going to grow equity and you want to do this and you make sure you get a good car here and where I want to go with my career and I found myself.

Speaker 2:

So I started noticing I was so wrapped up in thinking about the future goals and what I need to do. I was missing out in the present and not realizing how I am very blessed and I have a lot and it is because of hard work and it's not to boast, but you know it's not easy to, especially in Southern California, to do well and have a home and all these things and it's like I got so caught up in success and looking to the future. You don't realize like you're missing out in the present. No, be home, take you know what, burn that PTO, use that sick leave, because guess what, your job when you're dead and gone, they're not going to care about you. You were just an employee and that's not to sound mean, but I saw something about that.

Speaker 1:

I'll make it sound mean, because that's the truth. Yeah, so we're going to get past that because it do it a hundred percent. You're right, you have to. It's basically what I've, and I don't have this shit ironed out at all. Excuse me, I'm a little loose with the cursing. I feel like we just got on a good run without it anyway, but I found that, like it's literally everything is a balancing act.

Speaker 1:

Everything and all aspects of life, and exactly what you said, because, like you know, I definitely have been the same way, planning for the future in most times, like financially, you know, and sure investments, and it's like I have been fortunate with a handful of things over the years, which is great, but it's, like you know, having that main same mindset like distracts from the family environment too, and that's the. That's like what I have, like I don't like that part.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And so that's, I think, where the struggle. When I say that there is a struggle, it's it is being more present in the time periods, and not just like for myself and my relationship with my entire family, but just like it's important. Yeah, you know, and, but also you can't lose sight of those other parts of you as well.

Speaker 2:

It's like you said the balancing act.

Speaker 1:

It's a balance, you know, and there is a certain amount and like, listen, I miss all the time. You know what I mean, but it's like I also feel like I am.

Speaker 2:

I try to be cognizant of it as best I can.

Speaker 1:

Of course, no one's perfect yeah but I do think like, and it's and that's like the fun part, you know, like in, just because you don't know, and like in life, as crazy as it is, you know, somehow seems to you know, find a way to balance it too in your life. You know, and I think that it's a, you know I've said it like 10 times now already, but I'm super blessed about everything that I'm in currently, right now, and you know it's like I wouldn't change nothing.

Speaker 1:

You know, other than like maybe if we made more money at work, more time off, because, tim, you're freaking right, dude it is important, yeah, that being with your family.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to someone the other day. It's we'll always have opportunity to make more money to do well in your career and in your job. But the one thing that we have that you'll never get back is your time. Our time is priceless. We're exchanging that time for money to be able to live a good life and provide for our families. So it's like everyone right, we're always trying to figure out what's the how can we cut out giving up of my time to make money? And I can do something and it's fine, you know, like I can be home more Sure. But that's the one thing that I realized and I've had a conversation with a lot of older firefighters, firefighters who have regret that.

Speaker 2:

They said, like you know, we bought into this whole. Give back to the fire department, make sure you pick up your phone for overtime, you know, give back to the fire department. And they didn't realize that they were missing out on so much at home that their kids were graduating high school and they had this realization like, oh my gosh, I was never around. I don't remember their childhood. It was always working and one of the guys, his son, even approached him about it. He graduated high school and he said that, you know, he retired, finally as a firefighter from a department down here.

Speaker 2:

And his son said yeah, dad, you're, you know, ever since you retired, you know, you just seem different. And he said what do you mean? He's like oh, I remember as a kid growing up, as you were always gone and when you come home you'd be yelling at us I'm like dang dude. And when he told me that I can see him get a little emotional, I saw the tears in his eyes and he, you know, he said that is, my biggest regret was being at work more than I was at home, you know. And that hit me like a ton of bricks, because I had talked to him about how I'm changing certain things in my life and I was telling him that I was like, yeah, I'm, I'm just doing this and I'm taking this away, and I would I cause I just want to be home, I want to do it right this time. I want to enjoy my time. And he's like fish, you're on the right path and you're doing the right thing. You will not regret it.

Speaker 2:

And that's when we got into that story and he's like, don't worry about all the other stuff and participating and other stuff at work and picking up over time is like the money will be there, but your family? He's like I can't get that time back with my son ever again and when he told me that he said it would just broke his heart. You know, I don't and I see that and that's not talking bad on people who you know they want to invest their whole life in their career. That's cool, but the sad part is I've seen a lot of them end up with pretty terrible lives.

Speaker 2:

And as far as divorces and losing a lot of money in that type of thing and your kid's not liking you cause you're not around and then you're just miserable and I don't want that I might have. My heart and my thinking has changed so much when it comes to what's important in life and I used to be sold out on the career firefighter. That was me Like oh you know. First you know five, 10 years, but then it's like you still got people who are going to let you down. The money is there, but you're not paying more in taxes and this and that. But I get more. When I make a camp at my home. I'm missing. I don't things with my nieces and nephews, I don't have any kids yet and you know I'm once divorced. I don't want to do that anymore. I just don't. It's not me. I want to make sure I'm putting my time into people and things that matter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I think staying, you know, like I said earlier, is trying to be cognizant of it. You know cause everyone's situation is different, right? You know like and I don't know who you're referencing in that, and it's like like I could totally sympathize with him, and that's someone who's like ran their life through their job, right. So it's like I still feel like kind of in the middle or maybe the second half of the middle, right, and you know, you just have to look at it. You know where it's like if you got to find out what's important. Now again, sorry, I'm backtracking, it's a situational, right. So it's like the cost of everything is very high. You know, base base salary rate isn't that high, or at least like back, like, let's say, in the eighties or not, I'm sorry like the nineties. Being a firefighter, yeah, you can work no overtime, maybe, have a little second job, but you can buy a house wherever you're working and be able to supply a lot.

Speaker 2:

Cost of living was very low.

Speaker 1:

Cost of living is a little bit different now and again. If the situation for the home life dictates having to work overtime, I can empathize with that, but I also, if you don't have to. It is important to be at home and I feel like it's kind of like you have the opportunity to. You got to just weigh the, you know, weigh the scales and if things need to be changed hey, are you doing a selfie? Sorry, backtrack, no, but if things need to be changed, you just have to be cognizant of it. So if it's like, hey, I got to work X amount of overtime is to make sure I cover my monthly bills, you know I get that.

Speaker 1:

But then it's also like, well, don't be the same guy that like works nine over times in a month, you know because you're because you kind of become like no, I don't want to use that term, you depend on that, you depend on that too much, you know. Whereas then it's like well, what's the real difference if you work two less over times a month and you're home two more days and at the end of the year it's like all right, I maybe didn't make 14 grand, but I have a better relationship with my kids and my wife and stuff like that. So it's, it's important. I'm not, I'm a dog and anybody like you got to do. You like.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying from my perspective and I hope that I can be what I'm saying and know that it is important to spend the time at the house and, you know, family and kind of reevaluating. But I do think something that is important and not to take away from what you're saying at all, because you do learn through all your experiences too right, and that mindset and mentality of like gung-ho this because you believe in it, it led you to where you're at now, you know, and it led me to where I'm at too, so as much as as much as.

Speaker 1:

I. I get upset at things that like wow, man, I wish I would have handled life a little bit differently at these times, or maybe not been all about work so much. I do feel like everything has set me on a course to this moment and I think that that's. That's super important. And, you know, you can always change what you haven't done yet. You know, and I think that's why it's like okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, dude, I'm a grinder. You're a grinder, you got things and it's not none of us boastful, you know, but I have set myself up good, and you know. But now I get to share it with somebody and create this for my kids. You know, and hopefully that's the same for you, you know, or in however, you want to do that moving forward. But taking the time and understanding the importance is like, I think that's big and I think that that's what.

Speaker 1:

Like, that's what differentiates the people that like from this point, moving forward in their career, especially in this industry, you see guys that like wipe out. You know what I mean. They're just like okay, I'm a victim of the overtime and the and I got to be gone and I got to do this and I got to do that. And the next thing, you know, you have your buddy's story when your kids are gone. You are never here, you know, or you go, oh shit. Okay, maybe I'm not going to stop, but I need to be more aware of things at the time or maybe meld those things a little bit better, moving forward.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, that was a long rant, no, no, no, you're good, it was all spot on it's. It's one of those things too. You know, I don't think a lot of us realize that how much it wears on us mentally. You know, we see, I read I finally found this a new article. I'm trying to remember who wrote it, but it was saying how in our careers we will see four to 600 people die and in the average civilian it's one to two.

Speaker 2:

I'd also believe that, yeah, that is a lot that takes a toll on you. That's not normal, that's not average. You know, we're not meant to see violent things all the time, and we do. And it wears on you and we cope with it. We learn, you know, over the time we learn we are. Humor is dark. I'm just going to say right now we have very, very dark humor. We're grittier type people, I'm, but it's not normal, it wears in you and that's why you're seeing, unfortunately, these suicide rates up, not just in civilians but he's also in first responders and it's even higher in our police. You know that, which is a bomber, because I don't grow up. People think we law enforcement, that whole deep on the police like get out here, go leave the country, go do that somewhere else. I completely support, support, support, support.

Speaker 2:

I support it support yeah, support law enforcement. So it's just a it's I don't know man it. Sometimes we're a victim of our own success at times. What we think, you know how I grew up and what my dad instilled in me and what we, what I saw as a teenager being an explorer, it's just like you know everything's about your career. Now you want to do well in life. You should. You don't want to. You don't want to just sit around and try and get free handouts. That's not. That's not gonna work for you. You need to work for what you want. You need to get educated. You need to get trained in a trade to do well for yourself and provide.

Speaker 2:

But Sometimes I feel like people, even myself, will put that above everything is success and work and when that's all changed. From me, a lot was coming back to my faith, I would say probably a year and a half ago, and nurturing that. Now, look, I'm gonna tear. Right now I say come back to my faith and I absolutely 100% Believe in God. I believe what Jesus has done for me and that he died for my sins and he saved me, and I believe it. I'm yes. Now am I gonna sit here and be the poster child for Christianity. I am not the poster child for Christianity.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I have my own issues, my own problems and things I'm trying to work through, but in my heart I know who he is to me you know, so Because, you know, coming back to my faith has changed my outlook on work, not just how I treat people and how I treat the ones I love and how I'm gonna live my life and try and be a better person. That aligns with how you know the Lord was when he was on this earth and the Gospels, but even work, what am I doing with my time? You know our life is it says in the Bible is but a vapor. It's like it's here and gone, just like that. And I've ever seen a video and this is not some I don't want to knock this guy, I'm not gonna say his name With some company I believe on social media they do. They work on New York style helmets, like fixing them or selling them or something.

Speaker 2:

You know, I'm saying yeah, yeah, a lot of East Coast departments have them. But it's like it showed the cool helmet and it came down. It was like behind it, like I'm from American flag, and I said what will be your legacy? And I remember thinking not the fire department, you know. And then I don't want to sound like I'm not appreciative of what I have in my career. I enjoy my career. I think it's a calling. I think people like you and I, we do enjoy helping people. That's what we even if you're calling us at four in the morning and you have to pain, it is what it is. We're gonna respond, we're gonna help you to make sure your toes Okay, but that's us, that's high five.

Speaker 2:

You're gonna get a high five and call us back tomorrow but we, you know, we we enjoy this job with, like, helping people, but I don't want my legacy To be oh yeah, he did, he was great in his career. I just not me. I'm like dude, that's not what I want.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I think that's the important part of that. You know that's not what you want. Yeah, you know what I mean. Like in a, not not in a, not to take away anything, what you're saying because I did, I'm like, I'm who are you, as you're talking? Like because I? I Like there are people that that's meant for you know, like the people that are so in whatever career it is, you know we happen to have the probably the most experience and the first responder stuff, right, but and there are people like that that, like I feel like they truly want to leave a legacy behind this profession.

Speaker 1:

Yeah and that's totally rad, like good for you, you know. But like that's not what's important to me and I would say probably to you. Like, as you've gotten older and you know life experience and whatnot, you kind of you reprioritize and you know. So when you see that stuff now it's like I kind of like I'm like Dope dude, east Coast firefighters you guys are badass, like there's no doubt about it. Like I'm not comparing myself to you at all, but I don't want to leave a legacy. That's just for my job. Like my legacy I want is for my family. I want my kids. That's how I mean, like my wife, like that, all that you know.

Speaker 1:

So, and which is cool, too right. It's just not like I'm not gonna wear it on my fire helmet. But you know what I would say? These go through the trendsetters and I think black turnouts are dope and I wish we could wear them.

Speaker 2:

I know.

Speaker 1:

Sounds like 90. No, dude, you were saying something earlier about uh, what'd you say about cost of living, something they're not gonna do? Oh, but it was gonna leave me to the story about Gavin Newsom. I just this, the one political little go ahead dude. Dig, I'll take yeah and when I say dig, I hope it's constructive criticism.

Speaker 2:

Okay, he's made California such a better place, right Not?

Speaker 1:

Oh, dude man, Did you see the last video that came out with him? It was a leaked like webinar Deal and he was sharing a story, so it because it really sounded like he hit. He did not think this was gonna get replayed.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I know exactly what I'm okay.

Speaker 1:

So the story is, and it's a brief one, but he witnessed a robbery like out of target, like a shoplifting thing, out of target, and he said, on this webinar thing, he was trying to explain the story a little bit and then he goes yeah, so I I walked up to like someone who worked there and I don't know if it was target, by the way, maybe I believe it was, but I think it was but if it's not whatever fill in store name Went up to an employee and was like hey, like you should stop them because you know they're stealing.

Speaker 1:

And the employee said if it wasn't for our governor we would stop them, except for the fact they can steal up to like 1200 bucks and we can't do shit. So why are we gonna try to hurt ourselves over this? And then he proceeds to talk like I can't believe they didn't know I was Gavin Newsom and I was like I Almost feel like this video was like staged, like that's how I feel about it, because it's like you couldn't look any dumber. Oh yeah, as a human like you're that pretentious, you're like I can't believe they don't know me.

Speaker 2:

Oh well, think about what she said. And that was his response right, not like holy shit.

Speaker 1:

You know what she might be right. Yes, maybe we have employees around here that gotta go. Do we go after this one? Nah, fuck them. You know what I mean. Like that's a thing in a lot of places. So it's not like this isn't new information, but the first, first response is like I can't believe she didn't know me. Yes, that's what I thought.

Speaker 2:

The same thing yeah. I read that and then I was watching video or whatever and I was like that's your first response yeah, people are stealing. There's multiple, multiple companies that are out of San Francisco. San Francisco, there's. There's no target In Oakland, I think in an out scone they just left. Yeah, there's not the original in and out. I believe it's the original?

Speaker 1:

No, I don't think it's the original, but it was one of the I think it's one of the only ones in the city of Oakland. Okay, and they left because of crime issues with, you know, the business, the store shop, yeah, and they offered like they're like hey, we're gonna move. And they offered like apparently they offered everyone who works there they're like their job at the new location, that's cool. Yeah, they were like hey, it's just not safe. Which, what a smart on the company. No, I did right. But I mean like hello, right, like you can't even go get a burger in peace, dude. Like I get dude, plate times or tough places are hard, there's the streets and all that, I get it. But like, if you're like, hey, we can't go there, not like, hey, dude, don't go out after dark, right, like, just go during the day. It's like not even that, it's just like don't go, don't go there, you know, and I'm sure they closed down because they probably weren't making any fucking money.

Speaker 2:

Well, no one's gonna go, yeah, yeah and.

Speaker 1:

But I'm like thinking, good, god, dude, like that's a thing you know not to be naive to the world like I'm not saying that cuz like I can't believe it's not a thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it goes back to Gavin Newsom. Yeah, there's a whole thing like bro, you just, you just witnessed it. You see an employee talking trash from you, but it's not really trash, it's the truth. And the first thing you're thinking about is oh, she didn't know me. You're terrible.

Speaker 1:

I know, but I think people won't even pick up on that. No, that's a sad part, cuz like I secretly think some for some reason Joe Biden's gonna step down on the running for president because His handlers are probably like running out of things to think about. Like how do we make him not seem like we can at Bernice? How do we do that? You have the puppeteer behind? He's just like doing this, his like person miming. This guy is hammer drunk all the time Because there's no way he had his own consciousness he would be talking and doing things. There's no way he doesn't know. So that's what I'm saying. Like they got some crazy situation. I know that sounds nuts and I'm trying to be here.

Speaker 2:

Here's my biggest question is pretty dumb and it's it's kind of scary and Not scary like I'm gonna like hide I just mean, but the fact that he can stand up there and blatantly lie when he talks and say, oh, we have the, we're doing great, my policies have been successful. Bro, you have the most people leaving a state right now in the history of people leaving California.

Speaker 1:

I thought you're talking about Biden. I was like bro, he's good, don't worry, cuz all you gotta do is he's got to show his doctor's note from 2019 that says he was diagnosed with dementia. So any shit that he said, he'll just be like.

Speaker 2:

I Know Tagos you know, I know, I know, I don't think he's gonna run personally, I really don't. I, if anything.

Speaker 1:

I almost see him stepping down and Kamala what being put in, but it would be that. Or See news him I get, I think, news I was gonna make a run out it and he's like that's sleazy type that will probably do.

Speaker 2:

He doesn't have a chance. I don't think he has a chance. Everyone, everyone sees the disaster that he's created here. I Mean.

Speaker 1:

I would say, yeah, I totally agree, but I mean like. Do you think, though? I mean cuz?

Speaker 2:

like he won by a lot his last election as governor and that was like a, but he think that was prior to that. Do you think you really won by a lot? Be honest for yourself. No, I don't think that, but without getting, especially with him being related to Pelosi.

Speaker 1:

Without me sounding like another crazy person on here where they're gonna be like ah, it's another right wing conspiracy theory guy, which I mean. I'm a conspiracy theory guy, for sure, but I definitely think like I don't understand how he Like has a more than 2% lead on anything like he seems pretty bad like he just seems bad, he's probably a nice guy, but he's a shitty like it's terrible, she's terrible.

Speaker 2:

Can you imagine if all the policies put in California, if he were to do that as the president for the whole nation?

Speaker 1:

I mean Sorry, I don't. Yeah, I don't go to political banter, but it is super interesting to see what's gonna happen over this year, because it sounds like Trump's gonna be the frontrunner for the Republican Party, which is, I mean, like I. Again, I could make the argument I think policy wise will be great, but everyone's gonna have to be a little like oh no, what's it gonna write on X?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, formally, no, well dude, can you imagine the amount of people he's gonna go after if he wins the election? I would think a lot. The whole regime. I would think he's going to try and put them away.

Speaker 1:

I mean he has, because the amount of one like like court cases or something like that, like dude 90.

Speaker 2:

Well, why do you think the African-american vote is for him now?

Speaker 1:

cuz I probably like, because dude get it dude, he's got street cred.

Speaker 2:

He's like us. He's being framed, he's being jailed for no reason, like he gets what we're going through.

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know what right and like. What an interesting way to like have a plan backfire for Run his shit through as much litigation as possible and then, just along the way, it's like a little bit more dirt. It's dug up each time and they're like Starting to look bad. But I don't know. I just think. I think the system is so rigged that I think that, even though, like, let's say, the elections were this week because I have the elections were this week I would think that, like anyone, not Biden would have a sincere advantage. I think that as it gets closer to that, we're gonna see some wacky stuff take place and I think, like, like, if you had any thought that the election process was a little bit questionable the last go, I think this time it's gonna like it'll be bad if the worse.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So you know, not to say that means like if the person who I want to win doesn't win, like it's automatically something's. You know there's a, there's some backstory to it, right? I just think that, like in this case, there was a lot of interesting arguments the last go and this time, if it was like especially, let's say, a landslide, where they were like dude, this guy got 15 million more votes than Obama did. Like this old, fucking established white guy Got more votes than the second term, first black president of all time. There's no way. There's no way, even if you weren't a fan of Obama.

Speaker 1:

Yeah there's no way.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know how crazy is? I mean, do people voted it for him so much that they they came back from the grave? Yeah you know, he's got the death vote, you know.

Speaker 1:

That would be a sick t-shirt. I Don't know.

Speaker 2:

Dude, it was some. It was some town or city on the east coast.

Speaker 1:

Well, there's like there's like 40 people that have died like 10 plus years ago that voted for him.

Speaker 2:

You're like I found her comical, like people get upset.

Speaker 1:

Oh you know, they're so dirty yeah whatever it is, what it is, I think elections in general are dirty. Yeah, both ends of it. Both ends are bad, but dead people with the fact that they're like.

Speaker 2:

They're like yeah, this person died in like 1929, but he voted for Biden. Like you can't make this up?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you cannot make this madness up. It's crazy. I mean it's enough. Yeah, I mean that's so, that, okay, so like that argument and itself or not argument, but statement itself did.

Speaker 1:

The bizarre part about it Is that like let's say, yeah, dude, dead people are voting in certain counties. Right, forever, yeah, right, yeah, but it's a small percentage. But once you get into, you get into a little bit of like where district linings and things are. Yeah, in some counties, two votes could change the entire vote of the county. That's why it's like, it's like they like how's reading an article about like a vote, like what is permissible, like like what's wrong, like how much of a percentage of like we're going to write this off is appropriate, and it's like 1%, which is still a lot like a lot, a lot. If you take the big scale of, if you said, 1% out of the 330 something million people that live here, that's a big number, right, and can sway a lot of different stuff. So it's kind of like we kind of just go about life going like oh well, this is accepted. Yeah, oh, fucking, jimmy's great grandfather still voting. That's crazy. You're like no man, like we can't like, you can't do that shit.

Speaker 2:

You know what I?

Speaker 1:

mean Like saying that's okay is like trying to make an argument against, like you shouldn't have to share your ID when you vote, right? You know what I mean it's like. And then there's dude, there's thousands of people that would disagree with me on that very statement, maybe hundreds of thousands of people. And where you're like, you mean I don't have to show my ID. So I kind of prove who I am to say what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Right, like that seems pretty well you need a passport to leave this country and get back in, but anybody who's illegal can get one coming for free. It's no big deal. Oh, where you went there. We'll save that for another time. We'll save it. How about the?

Speaker 1:

30?. What was it? Well, how about the? It was like is it $3,500? Because they're starting, they're going to give people with like like your credit card, your tax paying money.

Speaker 2:

people listening that's your tax money. Yeah, go into people Dude. This is I can go off of this.

Speaker 1:

We don't take care of our veterans. I totally get why there's going to be millions of people that are going to attempt to come here.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, what I mean like and again I'm not saying that's like families, yeah, you're talking. You're talking 30 year old males.

Speaker 1:

What are you talking about, Tim Irish, China? That sounds conspiratorial to me. No, we're going to have to take that. We got the whole episode of that.

Speaker 2:

I'm joking.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh, no I know, but it's it's.

Speaker 2:

There's so much to that that is bad. I'm all about people coming here to find a better life for themselves. Do it the right way. Pay taxes just like the rest of us, but the weight of the you know illegal immigrants coming here, that's falling on us. That's falling on the people paying taxes. Who's going to pay for that? There was a. There's a hospital in New York that's $130 million in the red because of all the free healthcare they've been giving to the illegal immigrants that have been put in that city. No kidding.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

Who's going to pay for that? But I'm saying it's like I don't like I get it Like people want a better life, but you need to take care of your citizens and your people first, and the people who fought for this country, the veterans. There are kids getting kicked out of high schools so illegal immigrants can sleep there. They can't go to school that day. That just occurred.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it just occurred A week or two ago. Yeah, I forgot what state it was. Was it in New York? It might have been New York or there was a, I don't know. I don't want to say which one it was because I can't remember, but that was the article line talking about that. They had to shut down schools because they need temporary housing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think it's crazy. Why are we pushing veterans out of homes that are provided for them? You know, shelters to highs illegal immigrants who didn't fight for this country and our freedoms and sacrifice and go through what they went through? It doesn't make any sense. It's completely wrong.

Speaker 1:

And it's like the craziest argument ever too, because it's like, if you take like, if I'm explaining my opinion on this subject matter, there's no way like I'm not going to sound a little bit unempathizing towards people coming over here, right, because it's like, but this has nothing to do with that. There are a ton of people who are absolutely they're worthy, deserving. They deserve everything that they get and they want to bring a hardworking, a hardworking lifestyle to this, to our country right To our state, really.

Speaker 1:

And and totally contributors, and it's like yeah, the problem is that it's like that's not like all, like everybody who comes here, and that's where the issues lie, because it's like anyone who could be able to provide that. It's like 100%, come here, do your thing, enjoy the opportunities that this country gives you. I totally agree with that and I hope the best for everyone that is here. But it's like when you have like this and a lot of it, I think, too, is like political jargon, like they're just trying to get you fired up, because they're like oh, this is what's most important. You're like no, we have a shit ton of people here that need help, that need the assistance, and like and even those people that are on assistance, it's like dude, that's a dicey area too, because it's like how many people take advantage? How many people are actually using it as a opportunity to move forward rather than relying on it? You know so.

Speaker 1:

It's like there's so many cuts of this pie that we can't eat, let alone worried about the rest of shit going on in the world, and that's where it's like it starts to become. It's like, you know, you end up sounding like. You're like no, we should protect the borders. You're like not because I don't want people to be here, but I feel like we have a ton of shit we got to sift through here.

Speaker 1:

So let's make this awesome, get better and then have a system of bringing people in, because there's always going to be people that are going to be here, and that's the bummer part, because you can't snap your fingers and everyone can be where they want to be at once. There's a process to this shit, and that would be if you and I packed our bags right now and we're going to pick anywhere, but you know what you're not doing. You're not getting there illegally and if you do, they're going to kick your ass out because there isn't another country that exists. I mean maybe, like, maybe some Middle Eastern places, but they won't kick you out because they'll kill you.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean.

Speaker 1:

Like it's not, it's crazy.

Speaker 2:

There's a picture. There's a picture I saw of Egypt and I will end that subject with this Dude it was. It was like three storage containers high and every story on the top part of the container had barbed wire. It looked huge, yeah. And they're like, guess where this is? Like, yeah, egypt, egypt is someone illegally roots here. So what's the big? You know? They're showing all the countries that are doing it now and there's countries that are paying for it Germany, sweden, like they have some madness that's been happening over there.

Speaker 1:

Some just happened in Spain the other day, where they're having like there's a lot, yeah, anyway it's just a mess. No, it's just an issue like that extends past just our country. We're not the only.

Speaker 2:

People say, oh, it's right, it's not racist, it's really not. You need to protect your freaking people first. You have to take care of your country and your people first and then start helping others. Why are we, why are we trying to take care of everybody else but our own? It doesn't make any sense. It's so completely backwards. But anyways, the last thing I want to talk about here real quick is we have first responders night of hope coming up. That is March 8th. I'm like, I'm from Burgundy, march 8.

Speaker 1:

I was like where's the cue card? Tim had to say was it is absolutely on March 8.

Speaker 2:

My bad March 8, 2024. It's from 7 and 9pm. This is a night that supported by the Fire Brigade, john Gary from San Diego we have dirty deuce Matt, he's in support of it. We have so many people, the sea of mud, apparel from Kyle Conforty. This is a night for first responders or fire, military, nurses, police, anyone that's that responds and help others. This is for you, this is for your families. This is all in support of the mental health of first responders, because we understand the toll that it takes on you. We are first responders and this is something that I've had in my heart for a long time, especially coming back to my own faith. I'm a prodigal son and I just had this huge feeling like, hey, our community needs help. This has been in the works for some time and it's going to be a great night. I hope to see everybody there. Jordan's going to be there. I'm going to be there. I'm going to be singing and doing part of the concert. I'm also going to be speaking for the night. Little nervous.

Speaker 1:

It's like this dude, just with more people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm nervous but I'm excited. I just want people to realize there's hope, whether you want to believe or not, but there's hope out there. There's an answer to what you're going through and he's going to help you and he loves you and it's just going to be a night for everybody our families, everyone's invited. But all the money donations are going to go to first responder mental health, which is through the Iverson Foundation. So I'm really excited about this.

Speaker 2:

A lot of work has gone behind this and I'm not getting paid for any of it. There's no money coming to me. Everything goes to the Iverson Foundation and I just want our community to get together as one, as a big family, and celebrate and support each other and realize that at the end of the day, no matter what, we're going to be all right. God's with us, he is for us, he's going to make a way. Even when you can't see and it's dark out there and you're going through a terrible time, it's going to be all right. Just give it some time, have faith, trust him, you're gonna get through it. Let's go, baby.

Speaker 1:

I don't even know how to follow up with you. I think one. I think it's gonna be awesome.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

I think that you know not to kiss your ass, but I know that you've worked really hard on getting this going and I think it's amazing and I'm so excited to see what the time and effort and everything that you put into this will come to you.

Speaker 1:

And I think you know, and most importantly, is this rep this honestly like this represents what we've, what we discuss a lot on here and you know, and not to be super religious or anything along those lines or maybe to be religious along those lines but a lot of the what, the premise of whether it's been guests on here, a lot of discussions everything always seems to end up going to that version of hope and the explanation getting there, you know, or whether it's, you know, something happens in someone's life and they come to this or that someone happens and experience and it changes their course, and then they auto correct and go back towards this. I think it kind of all encapsulating a lot of the stuff that we discussed. So it's like what a neat thing to have the representation with the brand of let's go podcast and going out there and doing what you've put together, and I think it's for a great reason, you know. I really think that.

Speaker 1:

You know it's like, look, we've beat this into the ground, but it's like, you know, like people struggle, you know whether it's visible or not, and I think that having the open dialogue and, you know, doing even the little bits that we can we've shared a lot of experiences talking with how we've either tried to help people or just being available to people and or going through stuff ourselves, things like that is that it's so important to have that communication factor.

Speaker 1:

And I think what doing this and having this like open display, you know, like hopefully, obviously, hopefully there's a ton of people that show up and I hope there's a lot of people that show up that maybe like aren't associated with all these other people. I hope that these people like get there and like it gives them a chance to be like dude, I'm not alone. You know, like there's this huge group, whether it's you're finding, you know, comfort in others here, or whether it's finding comfort in your faith or something to believe in, just in general right, and that's what I think is so cool about it. Like you know, it's not this whole like I'm gonna jam it down your throat.

Speaker 1:

Christianity, like I was like, and we've and I've always used your quote, dude like the relationship with your religion is like it's gritty you know, but I think that that's like the most, like that's probably for everybody, but like the way looking at that, like it's a perfect way to describe it and, honestly, if we're gonna rename it, I'd just call it gritty. But I hope it's way nice, like it's beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I well dude, it was tough to try and find someone to a pastor to come speak. One a few wanted a lot of money. Like I had to raise money for this. I was going around asking for money. Let me tell you, I hate asking people for money.

Speaker 2:

That's not me, and I had a few that I thought of and talked to, but honestly, at the end of the day, when I really thought about, like I think that people that are who are gonna connect with our first responders is a first responder. I'm gonna talk, I'm just gonna tell my story and what I've been through and what Lord's done for me and how it's changed my life. And that's not about religion, it's about a relationship. And, yes, you know what, if you have faith in Lord, guess what? It's gonna be ugly at times. It's gonna be gritty because you're human. You're gonna mess up, you're gonna make mistakes and things are gonna happen to you that are out of your control. And it's gonna hurt, it's gonna suck, but there's still joy to be had in this world because you have hope and that hope isn't Jesus and there's a way It'll be fine. Like I'm not about this whole you gotta make prayer, this whole thing where you gotta be quiet, get on your knees.

Speaker 2:

No, you know what? Guess who the Lord used when it was in the gospels with the disciples. Those dudes were sailors. You don't think those were rough guys. They were not the best of people, they were the down and outters. Nobody wanted them around, yet the Lord still used them. The woman at the well same thing. She was sleeping with a bunch of men. Her husband's still at home. Guess what? Lord loved her and said you know what Just don't send anymore, get out of here. He didn't go to the well for the water, he went there for her. He uses people that are broken and messed up to show that you don't need to be perfect to make a difference. You just gotta love God, you gotta love him. That's it. It's a relationship, baby.

Speaker 1:

Let's go. I was like it's a relationship baby. I keep like double pumping because the bell's not right here. I was like ding, ding, ding. Anyways dude.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited for it. I hope to see everybody there. It's at Shepard's Grove Church in Irvine. Go to our social media, our Instagram. The link is on there for you to donate. We have the flower that's up there. We're gonna keep pushing this for the rest of the month. Please bring your family, bring yourself, bring your father, your son, whoever you wanna bring. Everyone's welcome, but just know it's gonna be supporting for responders and I'm excited it's gonna be good man, it's gonna be really good. I'm so nervous about this. You have no idea it's gonna be good.

Speaker 1:

This is not me, bro. This is not me. I know it's not you, I'm just saying don't. Well, okay, Part of me is like so the singing part, I know you're gonna be fine, Cause I've seen you sing in front of a massive crowd. But the speaking I could totally understand that it's nerve-wracking Cause, like public speaking, I don't know. I feel comfortable talking in front of people, but I'm also not running in, you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm so, like you know, like there's a little bit of that where it's like I don't know. I also feel like I never give myself too high of an expectation when it comes to like public talking. I just feel like if I could string sentences together or not set her, it's a win.

Speaker 2:

No, I feel you you know what I look back on. When we started this podcast and even though I told someone this, they're like, oh, you're gonna. Well, you know, since you're Christian, you know believer again like man, like you're gonna take down some of those podcasts. I said no, not at all. I said I want people to see that. I want people to see someone who was lost and someone who you can hear me struggle with my faith because I still talk about it and then someone who came back to the faith. That's my story. It needs to be on there. I have nothing to be ashamed of. No, I don't think you should either. Yeah, no, it's staying.

Speaker 1:

But I think that's like, that's the point. Like that's the point. Like when you talked about the disciples being picked and being a bunch of sailors, are all these stories that are predicated off of people that had like would be considered broken lives in that standpoint, Like as far as like on a godly level? I think that is the point. The point is to show people that, like, whatever you've done, wherever you've been, whatever messed up things, that you feel like you are, like you're not in the big picture and you can change and you could reformat, and that shit ain't easy.

Speaker 1:

So let me, when I say that it is not condescending in the slightest, it is very hard, but just knowing that you're putting the hard work in towards this like awesome thing after, and I think that that's important and I hope people hear that and I hope people like go dang dude, like if they listened to old episodes, for sure demeanor was a lot different, you know. But I also think that's like that's life, and we grow and we, you know, you change. Well, that too, and I feel like I know I don't sound different, but I feel like I talk a little bit better than I did before.

Speaker 1:

Well, you for sure, dude. Yeah, no, I'm saying like, cause I feel like I was like bruh bruh, bruh bruh, you know, like the entire time. So I feel like I've been able to like rally a little bit. But anyway, dude, I'm super pumped and I can't wait to it's cool, can't wait to be there at this night of hope man.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be really good. I am really excited to see your dad there. When your dad got baptized, that really touched me.

Speaker 1:

Because I know.

Speaker 2:

you know you've confided me a lot. I know this. You know his story, but to see who he is now is touching, it's inspirational, it's beautiful. You're seeing God's mercy work in a man's life and change him, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, it was funny, Cause when he talks to me about that, like, oh, should bring your dad. I told him I was like, hey, you gotta come to this. And he was like, oh, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

You know yeah no, it's awesome and, yeah, his life is. You know the ups and downs and everything and, but you know what, At the end of the day, like, he's always been a really good example and I really cherish my relationship that I have. Well, I have both my parents. I'm very fortunate, dude, Like I love my parents and I absolutely yeah, and they're in. Like it doesn't mean we're all messed up in our own ways because we for sure are.

Speaker 1:

But like I definitely like I'm very, and especially as I get older, I just appreciate it a lot, you know, and something I didn't realize when I was younger. But again, like I kind of feel like all the craziness sometimes needs to happen to have these situations that you have afterwards. And it doesn't mean that like I want anyone to go through bad things. I just feel like the only way to like understand it is that, like I think that I wouldn't be a different person, or I would be a different person if I didn't experience the things that I had, and you know, whether it's on the family level or a personal life or a relationship to anything that put me where I'm at now and I, honestly, am blessed, you know, and I was saying that in the very beginning, you know, and now it's like just life, you know, and that's what it is.

Speaker 1:

And you know you gotta embrace it and you know, and if it's bad, do your best to change it. If it's bad, open up a little bit or look outside the box just a little bit, because I guarantee you there's someone else out there. And you know, like again with what this represents, like if you're struggling, if you're this come, you're not alone. You know, and I think that that kind of mentality will just it'll bring good things for you and you know, and hopefully the bigger part is it brings good things to other people you know, so they can get a little taste of that, cause I think that's what's missing in a lot of people's lives.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'll end on this. Man, I've been really working on writing what I'm gonna talk about, which is wild cause-. You gotta chat GBD no no, no, no, I'm just kidding. No, no, no, that would be a dope intro it's really really yeah, I know right. No, but there's one thing that you know, that I've written down, that's. You know these other things I'm gonna talk about what hope does and have your faith in Jesus is he gives you forgiveness for your past. He gives you peace and the present and hope for your future.

Speaker 1:

You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

I mean dude then that's what came to me. I remember thinking about the night and what I want for people to hear about the Lord and having that hope and that faith. That's what it does. We all deal with that the guilt and shame, and you know peace and the present, but what's gonna happen? It's like everything's gonna be fine. Man, chill, baby.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, seriously.

Speaker 2:

It's gonna be good. But you know, to end on this too, what you said is a lot of times and we all look back and say, oh, I can't believe I did this and why don't I go down this road. And you know, every family has its dirt. But you know, a lot of times our greatest failures and our deepest pains are launching path for what God's gonna do in your life of something greater and better. You just gotta get through it. Gotta hold out baby, absolutely. You know what I'm saying. Hey, man, dude, anyways, dude, welcome back. Yeah, what's up?

Speaker 1:

Over here, baby, you know. Okay, just if anyone has made it this far in the podcast. Yeah, None of this was talked about, Not one second of it. In fact, the opener of this was what do you wanna do?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we said, let's just see where it goes.

Speaker 1:

The sheep in the hip will figure it out along the way, anyway.

Speaker 2:

So that's why I love it, dude, but Absolutely it's great we're on season two, we got this. This is our first event for let's Go Podcast and we have such great support Again from the Fire Brigade, dirty Deuce, sea of Mud, apparel Public Square. There's just so much love and help coming to this. I hope this turns into an annual thing for us.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely and we can keep moving forward with it and keep not just having people listen to the podcast, but be impacted by these events that we can put on. It's exciting, I'm excited, I'm nervous and it's very stressful, but you know what? I think it's one of those things where we can't there's no price tag on what we're doing for other people right now and how it's gonna help them, inspire them and give them again hope. It's priceless man. So let's do it, baby. Let's do it. Welcome back. Congratulations on the kid, babe. Thanks, dude.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Anyways, let's go on three. Yeah, you ready dawg? Of course I'm ready. Let's do this. One, two, three, let's go. Bye everybody. Thank you so much for listening in. If you liked what you just listened to, please do listen to a five-star review on Apple Podcast and on Spotify. Please follow us on YouTube, on Instagram and on Facebook, and a big shout-out to Stephen Clark, our sound editor. He's a huge part of this team that is unseen. It's 8ix9ineBarbers, our first sponsor. Look good, feel good, be great. It's two locations Orange California and Long Beach, california. Book your appointment online 8ix9ineBarberscom.

Speaker 1:

Bye everybody, I'll see you next time.

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